

It's certainly been awhile since I've blogged about our Japanese adventures. Instead of writing a long (and most likely boring) post I thought would put together a photo journal detailing our fun adventures of 2011 thus far.

 Chris and I were invited to a friends house to celebrate New Years Day. The Japanese celebrate The New Year very similar to how Americans celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas. Both New Years Eve & Day are spent at home with family, while eating TONS of food. We ate delicious food and were so thankful to be a part of their holiday.

The highlight of my New Years was being dressed in a kimono for the first time. I had no idea how much time and effort went into wearing a kimono properly. It took well over 30 minutes to get me all dolled up, and that was with three people helping to get me presentable!!! The kimono I wore was absolutely gorgeous and it was an experience I will always remember!! 

 Chris and I have started hosting weekly dinners for several of the guys on Chris's hockey team. We thought it would be fun to make the guys some of the dishes we have back at home. So far we've made: Tacos, Fajitas and Italian Meatballs. This is a picture of Taka making a "Taka Taco"....

 Chris and I discovered a great indoor golf range in our town. We cannot believe we waited so long to check it out.The range is so unbelieveable that I think I may save the details for a later post....get excited...

 I've been bugging Chris for awhile to teach me how to skate better. My first time ever skating was last winter in Germany and I've been itching to get back out there ever since. We found a great outdoor skating rink in our town which hosts open skating everyday. The rink is split in half, with the inner circle being a training rink for speed skating. These speed skaters are AMAZING. All I wanted to do was sit and watch them, which almost caused me to fall several times because I can't exactly skate forward and look backwards yet..... I'll get there. Chris was a great teacher and I'm looking forward to going again to practice my moves.